2021 and our New IP65 Conductivity Controller.
We are getting ready for 2021.
With the end of 2020 fast approaching we have been working hard in the back ground to ensure we are ready for January 1st 2021 and the difficult unkown task of brexit. We are preparing for whatever outcome happens, as being in business for 38 years we remember the days of doing business before we had a deal with Europe and all at the associated customs hassles and delays which could occur.
We are hopeful that the government will be able to reach a trading deal with Europe but except the USA to remain the same as it is at present. This is also very much in the balance depending upon the results of the forth coming US elections which could all change. We have excellent relationships with our trading partners for over 25 years in both the USA and Europe and will not be changing anything because of brexit.
We are increasing our stocks of popular items so we will have substantial stock levels at our Stafford facility ready for 2021 to over come anticipated delivery delays in January and February.
Be aware that as of January 1st prices are likley to increase as new trading tariffs are introduced and payment of VAT will, be at the point of entry not deferred as at present to the point of sale. If you have requirements for early 2021 now is a good time to place those and any extra orders you require so they can be delivered before the end of 2020 without any delay or price increase.
2021 Catalogue
After over 25 years of producing our popular printed full colour catalogue. Due to the time taken increasing cost of posting the catalogue for 2021 we are going digital. The catalogue will be distrubuted by email this will allow us to respond to adding new and upgraded items to the catalogue throught the year.
If you are not on our emailing list & would like to be or would like a colleague to be included then please contact Mrs. Vera Young by e-mail vyoung@awe-ltd.co.uk. or call 01785 - 254597
New IP65 Conductivity Controller
The model C6587 is a microprocessor surface mounting conductivity and oC instrument featuring a multiline graphic display. The instrument displays both conductivity/TDS and temperature along with status information on the graphic display. The C6587 is housed in a custom moulded housing designed to IP65 specification for mounting on flat vertical surface. In effect saving the cost of a control panel, ideal when mounting one instrument close to your process.
The model C6587 a fully specified conductivity controller and maybe user configured for use with cells with cell constants of 0.01, 0.1 0.5, 1.0 and 10.0. With user selectable ranges from 0 - 200 μS to 0 - 200mS with a suitable K=1.0 cell. This means the C6587 with the correct cell, will measure the conductivity any solution from ultra pure water to the strength of sulphuric acid, (note most k = 1.0 cels limit below 200mS) However a K=10 could be used for higher measurements.
The temperature can be set to correct to any base temperature from zero to 100oC with an adjustable temperature coefficient IE sulphuric acid has a coefficient of 1.7%/oC and sodium hydroxide has a coefficient of 2.2%/oC so an error of 5% for a 10oC between the two could exist if not correctly compensated for. The temperature sensor provides both automatic temperature compensation for conductivity and solution temperature readout.
The C6587 has two control relays one alarm relay and two isolated current outputs selectable for either 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA which maybe user configured for either 2 x conductivity, or conductivity & oC. Designed to provide reliable accurate and dependable measurement and control of much industrial process.
Solenoid Valves
Many of our customers use demineralised water in their process, we often supply conductivity controllers for monitoring the quality of the demin (deionised) water using our conductivity controllers, Including the C7687 for use with ultra pure water which may be displayed in megohms or microsiemens and features the special automatic temperature compensation for ultra pure water.
We often see installations where customers have installed systems with solenoid valve to control the flow of the demin water or dumping of out of spec water or returning used water for polishing and reuse. Sometimes we see customers have used brass solenoid valve and wonder why they do not last very long in these applications.
The simple fact is demineralised water is very aggressive stripping ions out of some materials very quickly making them unserviceable. The answer is to use a stainless steel solenoid valve which is resistant to the demineralised water and suitable for applications where plastics could not be used such medical and pharmaceutical use.
On the subject another tip is to check the pressure rating of a solenoid valve and not just the max pressure but the minimum pressure as solenoid available as direct operated and servo operated.
The servo operated type being usually lower cost because they use the solution pressure to close the valve, when a tiny pilot port is opened. However when used on system where the solution is feed from a header tank there is no enough pressure to close the valve. In these applications a direct operating solenoid valve is required which is closed by a large spring we can of course supply these valves.
Lead Level Electrode
As suppliers of analytical instrumentation we are often requested by customer for help with their measurement and control system problems. One recent request from an overseas customer in the aerospace business was for cost effective reliable level control of a process tank.
The tank contained a very aggressive mix of acids and was running at 90 oC, the customer had used hastelloy and titanium electrodes. Which had not lasted very long in the aggressive hot solution, we considered our PVDF float switches but the possibility of damage in a working tank excluded them from the application, Ultrasonics would not work because of the steam coming of the vessel and lack of a quiet area for the transducer to find a flat level surface to measure from. Radar was considered not to be cost effective.
We happened to ask what the tank was made from to be resistant to both the chemical mix and solution temperature. The tank was lead lined and the customer had used the tank for many years with no problems.
So to solve the problem we asked one of our suppliers and make up some lead electrodes of the correct dimensions to work with our LE7 single level electrodes and shipped these out to the customer. After some rearrangement of the electrodes to over come tracking between the electrodes the problem was solved.