Dip pH Electrode System with heavy duty pH Electrode
The PTT90S is a variation of our top selling dip pH probe assembly the PS90S - this time, featuring the heavy duty tuff tip PTT183-20B pH electrode insert with non fouling magna-flow junction and tuff tip end.
The PTT90S is designed to be mounted into non-pressurised vessels, tanks, pits or sumps where there is an increased probability of mechanical damage occurring to the glass pH bulb.
The standard PTT90S is 1 metre in length and incorporates the PTT183-20B with 6 metres of connecting cable and BNC connector. Also included is a mounting flange for installing straight into your process. We can build the PTT90S in lengths up to 3 metres, if required.
We recommend the heavy duty Dip pH electrode system is used when there is a significant risk of mechanical damage due to solids in the solution being measured. A typical instance, where such a situation exists would be in the food industry where the PTT90S is installed in a tank with a high speed industrial mixer.
The PTT90S is supplied complete with the PTT183-20B pH electrode insert, with a 6M connecting cable, BNC connector, and mounting flange which means that getting the PTT90S installed into a process vessel is as easy and quick as possible.
As standard the PTT90S is 1 metre in length but can be manufactured to a specified length, up to 3 metres.
The PTT183-20B pH electrode insert is a combination pH electrode with non-fouling magna flow junction, which means that the only time the Dip pH assembly needs to be removed from the process is for periodic calibration.
Calibration of the PTT90S is easy too. As the pH electrode insert has a 3/4" BSP thread, it's simply removed from the Dip pH probe assembly where it can be buffered prior to simply fitting back into the assembly before returning to the process.
PTT90S Features & Benefits
The PTT90S is designed to fit into tanks, pits, sumps or other open vessels where there is a high risk of mechanical damage. The flat glass and tuff tip end of the Dip pH assembly make it virtually impossible to break under normal operation.
The unit is supplied, as designed, to be as easy as posible to use. The long cable length is simple to connect to a pH instrument and the electrode insert can be removed for easy calibration or buffering.
The PTT90S heavy duty Dip pH electrode system is both rugged and accurate. With a full precision measurement across the 0-14pH spectrum and excellent response time to changes in pH value. It's a great alternative to the PS90S when something more heavy duty is required.
Dip pH electrode system with heavy duty pH probe
Model No:- PTT90S
pH Electrode:-
Operating temperature:- 0-50ºC
Materials of construction PVC
- Dip pH electrode system with tuff tip pH electrode insert for the continuous monitoring of pH in tanks, sumps and other open vessels.
- The tuff tip design of pH electrode with recessed glass bulb means that the pH bulb is virtually unbreakable during normal usage.
- A great choice of dip pH electrode system for use in tanks and vessels where industrial mixers or other types of agitation are present and the risk of solids colliding with the pH probe are increased.
- The Dip pH electrode assembly can be manufactured up to 3000mm in length to ensure that the pH is being measured at the correct point.
- Very low cost of ownership and cost effective replacements, by simply installing a new replacement pH electrode insert model PTT183-20B
Data Sheets