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watermark summer 2024 banner

Update for 2024

Wow how time flies by it's July and due to customer work we are sorry to say we have not produced our Watermark newsletter this year. We are all well and very busy which is good news. We have a new staff member Peter joins us to strengthen our service team with senior service engineer Luke and Service Manager Chris who has been with us 30+ years. Our customers know Chris as Chris has helped many of customers with their problems. Luke our senior service engineer will look after customers south of Stafford and Peter after training on our product range will look after customers north of Stafford. This north south line will be very flexible to ensure we provide the good service we are well known for.

Level Best

We have manufactured our ALC1101 level controller and level electrodes for many years. With thousands out there in use in control panels just out there working away controlling pumps and providing low and high liquid level alarms. On the back of this issue in technical tips is an article to remind you how simple to use low cost controller is. In the next issue of The Watermark will be information on our level electrodes both traditional and new. As this is a massive market for a cost effective reliable product usually available from stock you need to know it's still available from us.


RPS90S Retractable Electrode System

The RPS90S retractable PS90S pH or The RPS90S is an all PVC retractable electrode system designed for mounting into the side of a tank, fume scrubber or large diameter low pressure pipe with cannot be drained down easily. The PS90S electrode is fitted through a housing sealed with dual “O” rings with a chamber for the electrode stop to locate in. The ball valve can then be closed allowing the electrode to safely be removed for cleaning, calibration or electrode replacement. The electrode system can then be reassembled and re inserted into the process. The RPS90S or RRS90S uses our PS183-10B or RS183-10B sensors so spares are common with our dip electrodes systems used on many plants.

Technical Tips: Level Control

Level Control Diagram

Level Controller

Liquid level control using dip type contacting electrodes is a product we have manufactured for many years. It is one of our simplest and lowest cost products but one which is least understood. So to follow are some of the common applications the simplest is for a high alarm.

A vessel is fitted with two electrodes a long one and one at the level the alarm is required so as the vessel fills the conducting liquid touched the shortest electrode and completes the circuit the level controller relay operates.

The disadvantage with this is a liquid with foam on top can cause the level controller to operate before the liquid touches the electrode. So our ALC1101 level controller is fitted with an adjustable sensitivity control so the level controller can be calibrated to to ignore the foam and operate on the more conductive liquid. The other problem area is vessels with a mixer or where product is immersed into the vessel such as plating tanks where waves can occur causing the relay to make and brake or chatter. This can be overcome by fitting a third electrode so the first contact is made the relay latches in and does not drop out until contact is broken with the lower or middle electrode.

This function is also used for emptying a vessel where contact with the shortest electrode starts a pump and breaking contact with the middle or lower electrode stop the pump until the high level is achieved again these electrodes can be several feet apart if required.

So how do we use a level controller for a low level alarm? Simple! Our ALC1101 liquid level controller is fitted with a function switch which reverses the operation of the level controller, so the relay operates when there is no conductivity.

Install the longest electrode as the earth electrode and the the second electrode at the required low level, when the liquid level drops and looses contact between the two electrodes the level controller operates. By adding a third electrode at a higher level the level controller will not reset until contact is made with this electrode, this configuration is used for pumping in or filling a vessel.

By using three ALC1101 level controllers it is possible to control a pump and have high and low level alarms and with four ALC 1101 level controllers a duty and assist pumps can be controlled at different levels with both high and low alarms. we can design and build control panels for pump control using out conductivity level controllers or any other method of level control for single or multiply pump control.

Catalogue Cover


For the last 30 years we have printed our full colour catalogue. This has become very labour intensive and expensive to produce and surface mail out. Our catalogue will now be emailed to you. This will allow us to add new and upgraded items to the catalogue throughtout the year. If you are not on our emailing list & would like to be or would like a colleague to be included then please contact Mrs. Vera Young by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. or call 01785 - 254597 or sign up to our catalogue request mailing list.

That concludes the Summer 2024 Watermark, You can also download the Watermark as a PDF here

